Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Creativity Strikes When I Least Expect It

The other day, my kids asked me if they could watch a movie. And I, seeing an opportunity to be Mom of the Year, said, "Oooh! How about we pack our bags with some clothes and supplies, go downstairs and play camping?! We can crawl in the tents, play flashlight tag, roast marshmallows, and go fishing!!"

Noodle gives me a blase look and says, "Nah. Let's watch a movie."

So you can see why I've been a bit concerned that all the time she spends in front of the TV has sucked the creative juice from her 4-year-old soul.

But perhaps not? Could it be that TV actually sparks this little couch potato's creative inspiration?

Noodle surprised me with this creation the other day. She crafted a sculpture of Widget out of drumsticks, a necklace, a princess crown, rocks, a harmonica, flashlight, bouncy ball and pinwheel. She even included a heart-shaped eraser where Widget's heart-shaped pocket goes. The sculpture has resided on her bedroom floor for about a week, and she's constantly making improvements to it. Yesterday, for instance, a large heart with glitter replaced the small eraser. And this morning she added a pair of gloves.

Noodle has found her muse.

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